Welcome to Health Class
8TH GRADE Health/7th Grade Health SYLLABUS
Teacher & Subject:
Mr. Mason- 7th/8th Grade Health
Contact Information:
Planning Period: 6th hour(1:13-2:02)
Phone: 918-423-5445 ext. 3068
Email: amason@mcalester.k12.ok.us This is the best way to contact me.
Google Classroom: Daily Bell Ringers, Power point presentations, and class assignments/homework will be uploaded to Google Classroom weekly. If a student is absent, whether it should be for an illness or a school absence, it is the student’s responsibility to check Google Classroom and complete any notes/assignments that were posted. Please ensure you join the correct classroom in order to view all of the posted information.
Daily-Required Materials:
Health textbook
School Binder
Pencils, Blue/Black Pen
Course Descriptions:
Goals and Objectives:
Students will learn to think, write, speak, analyze, interpret, and debate historical ideas, facts, events, and documents. These skills will enhance the understanding of the world today and the importance each citizen .
Course Grading System
Total Point System:
Tests: 25% of semester grade
Quizzes: 25% of semester grade
Class Assignments: 50% of semester grade (bell work, daily work, homework, etc.)
McAlester Public Schools Grading Scale:
100-90 = A
89-80 = B
79-70 = C
69-60 = D
59-0 = F
Classroom Expectations:
5. Obey student handbook rules.
If a student makes the choice not to follow classroom procedures and expectations, the consequences will be:
1st Offense – Warning
2nd Offense – Office Referral/Detention